Chevron suspends shale gas exploration in Romania ~ Pungeşti: Chevron suspendă exploatarea gazelor de şist

By Associated Press 1:01 P.M.DEC. 7, 2013

Anti-shale gas exploration protesters bring down a fence in Pungesti, north eastern Romania, Saturday, Dec. 7, 2013. Hundreds of villagers destroyed the fences around a plot of land owned by US energy company Chevron, during protests meant to stop shale gas exploration in the area. (AP Photo/Mircea Restea)
Anti-shale gas exploration protesters bring down a fence in Pungesti, north eastern Romania, Saturday, Dec. 7, 2013. Hundreds of villagers destroyed the fences around a plot of land owned by US energy company Chevron, during protests meant to stop shale gas exploration in the area. (AP Photo/Mircea Restea) The Associated Press

BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — U.S. oil company Chevron has suspended exploration for shale gas in northeastern Romania after hundreds of anti-fracking protesters tore down fences.

Chevron won approval to drill exploratory wells in the town of Pungesti, but halted work for a second time Saturday after residents blocked access to the site.

Continued at link with photos here


Pungeşti: Chevron suspendă exploatarea gazelor de şist

Pungeşti: Chevron suspendă exploatarea gazelor de şist

Compania Chevron suspendă suspendă explorarea şi exploatarea gazelor de şist la Pungeşti, în judeţul Vaslui, în urma intensificării manifestaţiilor de protest din zonă. Sâmbătă dimineaţă, au avut loc ciocniri violente între mai mulţi agenţi de pază ai firmei americane şi cele câteva sute de manifestanţi. Mediafax transmite că protestatarii au aruncat cu pietre şi au încercat să dărâme gardurile companiei americane, angajaţii Chevron încercând să îi îndepărteze din zonă.

Continued here 



Nicuşor Dan: Explorarea gazelor de şist este la fel de periculoasă ca exploatarea <——

Ponta, catre Chevron, inaintea intalnirii cu Joe Biden: “Guvernul e hotarat sa sprijine explorarile” <—–

2 thoughts on “Chevron suspends shale gas exploration in Romania ~ Pungeşti: Chevron suspendă exploatarea gazelor de şist

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